Addition ,multiplication ,subtraction ,divide in C# programming

In the previous tutorial, started a basic Hello World program in C# programming . In this tutorial, we will learn logics for addition, multiplication, subtraction, divide in the C# program. One of the best things is to create a login and execute a program using C#. We can use C programming concepts in C# programming. If you are learned C programming then It will be easy to understand.
First of all, create a program for Addition.

Adding two numbers using C# programming.

The heading is indicating the behavior of the method. Here, we are going to create an addition program for two number using mathematics and C# . It will help you understand the mutuality between C and C# programming. To add two numbers, you have to define three variables with the datatype. There is a similar example in PHP programming.

Two numbers addition in PHP programming

Let's create an example in C# programming.

using System;
namespace MathApplication{
   class Math{
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         int a=20; 
         int b=20; 
         int z=a+b; 

Execute this program on a windows console application. It gives the result as output -


In the above example, we defined three variable a,b,z as like C programming. We made logic for two number addition.
We added first two variables in the third variable and display the z value using WriteLine() method of Console class.


Multiplication of three numbers using C# -

In the above example, we added two numbers. Here, we are going to the multiplication of three number in C#. Multiply three numbers and check multiplied value after execute.
To multiply three values (numbers), you have to create a math logic using asterisk *.
Let's have a look -

using System;
namespace MathApplication{
   class Math{
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         int x=3; 
         int y=7; 
         int z=10;
         int mul=x*y*z; 

In the example, we defined three variables with their values and data type. We multiplied three values in another variable mul. This is a simple mathematics logic with C sharp programming

Subtraction of two numbers in C sharp programming -

Let's create a program to subtract two numbers using C# programming with mathematics logic.

Here, we are going create a logic fo subtraction in C# programming.

using System;
namespace MathApplication{
   class Math{
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         int x=12; 
         int y=-5; 
         int z; 

Execute the program and will get the result as output.



Dividing two variable in C# programming -


We can divide two, three, four etc numbers using C# programming. You have to create a math logic inside the method.

Let's make logic to divide two numbers in C# programming.

using System;
namespace MathApplication{
   class Math{
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         int num1=36; 
         int num2=4; 
         int dev; 

Output -

In the above example, we created num1 and num2 variables and defines their values.

In this way, we can create mathematics logic for Addition, multiplication, subtraction, divide in C# program. These operatios are know of mathematics operations

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