Question2Answer developed on PHP with a lot of functionality in which we can change everything by using code.
If you want to remove Question2Answer credits then you should check two files.
How to remove Question2Answer footer credits?
1. Go to your Question2Answer QA forum source file.
2. First of all, check your theme.
3. Go to the qa-theme folder.
4. Now select your theme folder and open
5. You will get a file qa-theme.php, Edit this file using a text editor.
Search for credits. Find the Question2Answer or Search by these keywords, copyright, powered by, Question2Answer, etc. Change Question2Answer to your website title and URL.
You can check in public function attribution() .
After changed footer credits, do not forget to save file qa-theme.php.
Now, we are going to change a Question2Answer theme base file .
1. Go back in qa folder.
2. Now, open qa-include folder and find qa-theme-base.php
3. Find the credits and change according to your need.
In this way, you can change credits from Question2Answer source files.