Student result management system for school and college in PHP website

The result management system is used to create students result and publish on the internet. This is a complete student result management system in PHP with an MYSQL database.  This result management web application is created for schools and colleges. You can use it for your school or college and also for both. The result management system is written in PHP programming and database organized by MYSQL. It’s a complete student result in website software that is used to create results, manage classes, manage subjects, and publish results online . We have designed backend and frontend for results and admin users.  Students can find the results and download results as PDF. 

Student Result management system in PHP Student Result management system in PHP | Publish results Student Result management system for school and college in PHP website

Let’s talk about features –

Features of the student management system in PHP 

This PHP web application is included all the major or minor features for creating and publishing the results.

1.Result management system interface – We have developed a result management web application in PHP. There are two interfaces or you can say two modules. First for admin and second for users. Admin creates results from the admin panel and the users can find their results. The user module is known as the frontend of the website which is used to find and print results.

2. Admin panel –  Admin can change everything from the admin panel and create the results.

3.Users – Admin can add, edit or delete users for result management panel.

4.Classes – Admin can add, edit or remove classes for school or college.

5.General settings – Admin can change website logo, result management title, text on pages, etc from general settings.

6. Add subject to class – Admin can add subjects to any classes.

7. Student Registration – Admin can add, edit, delete students in any class.

8.Create results – Admin can create results, edit results, and delete results. Admin can search students by name, roll number and father name.

9.Result Announcement (Publish or hide) – Admin can publish any class result and can hide class results anytime.

10. Forgot Password – If the admin forgets the password then the admin can use the forgot password form to reset the result management system admin panel password. The reset link goes to the registered email address and the admin can easily reset password.

11. Validations – Admin panel is developed with strong security and validations. 

All the above features are tested and included in the result management system source in PHP.

Let's discuss the frontend interface.  

1. Home page – The home page will be used to display a list of announced classes results. Students can click on the announced results. The header is available on all website pages with a logo, header title, and home icon.

2.Result Finder form – Student result management web application is developed with student result finder form in PHP. Students can find out the result using their class, roll number, school or college code, and math solution  (Simple addition and substation )

3.Show Results – After filling details, students can check their results. Students can print by printer and download as pdf using one button.

4.Responsive Design – We have designed a student management system in PHP with bootstrap responsiveness classes. This is a complete responsive website.

5.Light-Weight – PHP is one of the best programming languages. We have developed a student management system in light weight. Users can load it easily on pc, mobiles, tablets, etc.

Student result management system installer in PHP –

If you want to install a result management system on new hosting or existing website then it helps to install easily. The PHP website installer is developed for installing a result system without coding. Just fill up forms and done.

How to install the Result management system website -

As you know that we have designed an installer in PHP which is used to install the website.

1.  First of all upload the file on the hosting file manager root folder or if you want to install in the existing(already available) website then create a folder in the root folder and upload the zip file inside that folder.

2.Unzip the file and check complete files or folder should be in that folder. You can move all folder and files in that folder.

3. Visit the website. You will be redirected to the install form. Enter your host, username, password, and database name, and click submit.

4.Create a new user by filling a simple form.

  You will get complete support for installation, any issues for lifetime.

For more information, discuss in the discussion section.

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