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I forgot my PNB bank ATM pin number. I want to set the new Punjab National Bank ATM card PIN number. Which is the best resource to get my forgotten ATM pin number ? Please solve my problem.
(9.4K Points)
in Tech


1 Answer
(7.3K Points)

If you forgot your PNB BANK ATM card pin number, then you can reset it via the ATM machine and online.PNB bank offers you to get forgot pin through the PNB bank official website. You can reset PNB bank debit card PIN using the PNB bank green pin OTP number. 

If you forgot your ATM card pin number and you want to change online so I will tell you to get the new debit card pin number. 

Steps to set PNB bank ATM card PIN number - 

1. To set PNB BANK forgot ATM card pin, you have to need Green PIN OTP.

2. Generate PNB BANK 6 digits green pin OTP. 

Send SMS DCPIN <16 digit Debit Card Number> to 5607040

Write a message -    DCPIN space 16 digit debit card number and send it to the number 5607040 via PNB bank registered number. You will get 6 digits green pin OTP. 

3.  Use the PNB bank official website to reset the new ATM card pin number. 

4. Enter the PNB bank account number for debit card pin change. 

5. You will get a 4 digit OTP on your registered number. If you want to get forgot pin number then you have to fill that OTP. 

6. In this step, you will get three fields. 

A. Debit card 16 digits number- Enter 16 digits ATM/debit card number. 

B. Green PIN OTP - Enter 6 digit green pin 

C. Captcha  - Enter given captcha.

7. SET ATM/ debit card pin - 

Enter the new 4 digits debit card pin number that you want. 

Confirm pin number - Enter the same pin in confirm pin box and click on submit. 

Let's understand with an example.  

Get forgot Pin number of PNB bank ATM card -

   1. To get forgot ATM card pin number, you have to generate 6 digits green pin OTP.PNB bank green pin OTP will help you set the new pin number.

Generate green pin OTP -

 Send SMS DCPIN <16 digit Debit Card Number> to 5607040


Type a message -     DCPIN 5708090205707585

  SMS to number -    5607040 

Use your PNB bank registered mobile number. 






In this way, you will get a green pin set. The green pin is active for 72 hours. With the help of Green Pin, you can easily change the PIN of the ATM card. Even if you have forgotten the PIN of the ATM card, you can easily set up the ATM card PIN by setting the green PIN. 



You can change your PNB bank ATM CARD pin using 6 digit green pin. First of all, visit the PNB bank website. On the PNB bank website, you can change your debit card password through 6 digits green pin.  Visit the PNB bank official website and click on Internet banking login. Here, you can get an ATM card forgotten password.  


PNB bank official website



2. After click on Internet banking login, you redirect to PNB online banking service. Now click on Retail Internet Banking. You can click on the Generate debit card pin also. Click on Retail Internet Banking. 

change PNB ATM card pin online


3. Here, you can see the PNB user ID box but you do not need to fill up the PNB bank user ID because you want to change or get new  ATM card pin via green pin. Now click on generate debit card pin. 

change pnb bank ATM card pin online


4. Here, you come at the set debit card pin page. You can get more information about generating a green pin by the message. DCPIN <16 digit Debit Card Number> to 5607040. 

Now enter your PNB bank account number and click on the continue button.   

set PNB bank ATM green pin online


5. Now you get an OTP(One-time password ) number by the message on registered mobile number. 

Enter that OTP here and click on continue. 

change PNB bank ATM pin online

6. This is one of the essential steps to generate the PNB ATM card pin by green pin.

In this step, you need a green pin OTP number  that is created by this message 

Send SMS DCPIN <16 digit Debit Card Number> to 5607040


A. Enter your ATM card 16 digit number. 

B. Enter generated 6 digit green pin OTP number. 

C. Enter the captcha if available.

After filling all fields, click on the submit button.


generate PNB bank ATM card pin by green pin


7. Enter new ATM card pin 

change pnb bank ATM card pin online

Now you can see the successful message. 



reset forgot atm card pin number of PNB bank


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