First of all, think about the basic sense of programming development. The basic part will help you learn android and java programming. You should understand the basic programming language to go to learn any programming language. Java programming and android development are not a common development platform. You should prepare himself to get higher in development. If you want to learn java and android then why are you learning PHP language? PHP is different from JAVA and android development. PHP is another platform that helps to develop web application only but the java and android help to develop android application also. You should start from the basic sense.
To learn JAVA and Android development, follow the steps below.

1. First of all, start learning from C programming. Make a higher command in C programming. C programming is the base of all programming languages also java and android. Make a strong command in C programming.

2. C++ is based on OOPS concept. All programming languages contain this valuable feature. You have to learn C++ after C programming. The oops concept is used in every programming language. Make a deep command in C++ programming if you want to learn Android development and java programming.

3. After doing C and C++ programming, go towards Java programming. You do not need to learn PHP programming. In java programming, you will learn HTML also. HTML and CSS are used for the web view part. You can develop a website or android application after java is complete.
4. Android development is based on java. You should learn Java programming before android development.
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