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I am installing the theme. The front page is showing me this error - Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias home-page-boxed-slider not found.  I reinstalled the Revolution Slider plugin but the error is not resolved. I want to create an eCommerce website on WordPress but this is the main error. I imported the theme demo.   Can you please tell me, what is the problem with Revolution Slider? How to fix this error and remove it from the Home front page?

(7.3K Points)
in Wordpress


3 Answers
(9.4K Points)

Your theme demo is not imported completely. You are getting the error of  Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias home-page-boxed-slider not found because Revolution Slider demo data is not installed properly. You can check it from the WordPress dashboard via a click on Revolution Slider. Kindly understand this error alias home-page-boxed-slider not found because alias home-page-boxed-slider is not installed. You can create a new slider inside the Revolution Slider or you can install home-page-boxed-slider again from your ThemeForest theme or another theme zip or rar folder. 

Go to Revolution Slider and click on manual import.  

+2 votes 1 view I am installing the theme. The front page is showing me this error - Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias home-page-boxed-slider not found.  I reinstalled the Revolution Slider plugin but the error is not resolved. I want to create an eCommerce website on WordPress but this is the main error. I imported the theme demo.   Can you please tell me, what is the problem with Revolution Slider? How to fix this error and remove from the Home front page?  wordpress revolution slider fix error  asked 45 minutes ago in Wordpress by vishalrana1 (3.7k points) ● 4 ● 12 ● 37        Your answer Read before post. 1. If you really know the answer. 2. Share your knowledge. 3. Design your answer (Readable ) Email me (shaktirana405@gmail.com) if my answer is selected or commented on

 Select Revolution Slider demo data ( zip file) and install. The Revolution Slider demo will find inside the theme zip file. It will definitely work. If the error occurs then comment to me. 


My problem has been solved. Thank you.
vishalrana1 14 Sep 2019

(1K Points)

I think your connection was lost during the importing time. The internet connection should be best during demo importing time.  You are getting Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias home-page-boxed-slider not found because of slider Revolution Slider data is not imported. You have to reinstall again that Revolution Slider zip file. 


(4.3K Points)

You are getting an error Slider with alias home-page-boxed-slider. You think this is an error but this is a general message. The developer set this message using if condition. If the revolution slider is blanked then display this statement echo"Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias home-page-boxed-slider not found." if the slider slides are created in the revolution slider then execute the slider(Display complete revolution slider with images , animation). This is a built-in message with red color. The mean of Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias home-page-boxed-slider not found the home-page-boxed-slider is not available. You have to create a new slider or import home-page-boxed-slider zip file from the theme . Extract purchased zip or rar file and check-in dummy data folder or folder may be demo data. Insider the demo data or dummy data, you got the revolution slider zip file. Import home-page-boxed-slider zip file . Don't worry just do that and finish.


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