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I want to unfriend all Facebook(FB) friends in one click. Is it possible to remove all FB friends at one time? I have a lot of friends on my Facebook profile. If I unfired one by one, it takes a lot of time. I have approx 1000 friends on my Fb profile. I want to unfriend all of them.  

(4.3K Points)
in Tech


4 Answers
(9.4K Points)

Yes, It is possible to unfriend all Facebook friends in one click. In the current time, everybody increases their own FB friends day by day. If you want to remove or delete all FB friends you need to use the chrome extension. It's totally free chrome extension. I already tested this chrome extension. 

The name of Facebook friends remover is Multiple Tools for Facebook. Multiple Tools for Facebook provides feature to remove all Facebook friends. 

You should use this chrome extension to unfriend Facebook friends. 

Unfriend all facebook friends

The multiple tools for Facebook provide you a dashboard to control the features. 

Unfriends all Facebook Friends

In modern times, every Facebook user increases own Facebook friends. Popularity is the main term on social networking site but in the crazy thing, we added a lot of unknown facebook users as friends. That creates the problem. You can not unfriend all FB friends one by one.

More reference - 

Learn how to "remove facebook friends"


(7.3K Points)

In today's time, many friends can be easily made on Facebook, but when it comes to unfriending friends on Facebook, it is not so easy. To unfried friends from Facebook, you need a chrome extension or tool. Some tools are free and some tools are paid. Here I will tell you about the free tool using which you can easily unfriend FB friends.

The chrome extension name is Friend Remover PRO - Delete All Friends. The friend Remover PRO - Delete All Friends 2017 is used to unfriend all Facebook friends.

Friend Remover PRO - Delete All Friends

Friend Remover PRO - Delete All Friends

The Friend Remover PRO - Delete All Friends provides you easy features to remove and delete all Facebook friends in one click. It will help you unfriend all Facebook friends. 




(2.4K Points)

Adding friends on Facebook is a very easy task but it is very difficult to unfriend so many friends. I would like to share my personal experience with you when I created a Facebook ID. At that time, I did not know that it is easy to make friends on Facebook, but it is very difficult to unfriend so many Facebook friends. At that time, I had added a lot of Facebook friends, but it takes a lot of time to remove them one by one. Then one of my friend  told me that there are chrome extensions or tools that can easily be used to remove all the Facebook friends  ones with a single click. Then I easily removed facebook  friends using Chrome Extension.

All Friends Remover for Facebook

All Friends Remover for Facebook


(1K Points)

All friends can also be unfried by the activity log on Facebook profile.  

1. First of all, go to your Facebook profile. 

2. Click on the activity log.

Unfriend all facebook friends without any tools 

3. Now, click on the more. 


4. In this step, click on friends. 

5. In the friends' option, you will see the added friend option. Click on Added friends to unfriend all Facebook friends. 

7. You can easily remove the friends using the pencil icon. It will help you to remove all FB friends in a fast way. 

Now, you can remove all FB friends without any tools and chrome extension. 



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