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1 Answer
(7.3K Points)

The mobile website affects mobile users. If you have a website and want to make it for mobile devices or other small devices then you should use bootstrap. I know your question is about testing a mobile website. First of all, we understand mobile website development. As we know that, we design mobile websites using responsive methods. The methods are known as classes of HTML frameworks. That framework includes various files like - JS files, CSS files, and font files, etc. 

How to test a mobile website? 

First of all, I want to share my experience with you. I design a website for all devices like mobile, tablet, and any too small devices.  

Follow the different ways to test a mobile website - 

1.Technology is updating daily. We develop the website for all device structures.  Test your mobile website on Google Mobile friendly tool . It gives you the correct information about your mobile website. 

2. Check JS and CSS file loading speed. The loading speed should be better for JS and CSS. We use compressed JS and CSS. 

You can test your website speed on Google's website speed tester

3. Check complete content is coming inside the modules. The modules may be sliders, any image container, contact form, etc. 

4. If you are going to test a mobile website on your system then open your site on chrome browser and press keys ctr+shift+I then ctr+shift+m. Now, you can resize the website for any mobile device like - mobile, tables, etc. This is one of the best way to test a mobile website. 
You can resize and can see the content resize according to the devices. 

5. The mobile website should be simple without dark color. As you know Google is one of the best IT company. They designed the website without any dark color. Test color for your mobile website. 

6 . The mobile website should have a better font. I mean, simple readable font. Test your mobile website should be designed with a readable format. 

7. If your website contains a sidebar then you should hide the sidebar on small devices. Test sidebar is available on your mobile device or not. 

You can use the bootstrap d-none class to hide the sidebar. We show a small amount of content on small devices like mobiles. 

8. Test website images on Mobile devices. 

9. Test HTML tables on the mobile website. 

10. Test frames on your mobile site. The HTML frames are not well for your mobile site.  

In this way, you can test your mobile website in different ways. 

Main testing points for the mobile website - 

1. Responsive

2. Loading speed 


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