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I am creating a website using HTML and Javascript. I am a beginner. I want to create a function in JS but I don't know how to create a function in Javascript. I will call a function on button click using Javascript programming. I want to call a function on button click in JS that will be better for me and how can I create a function with arguments in Javascript. I will be very grateful if someone can create a function with arguments and without arguments and call on button click in Javascript.

(1K Points)
in JavaScript


1 Answer
(3.4K Points)

Creating a function in Javascript is very similar to others programming. The function keyword is used to create functions in javascript. The function keyword is only used to create a function in JS. You don't need to use any other keyword with a function name. The function keyword defines the expression of a function in javascript programming. We define a name with a function keyword. You can define any name according to functionality. All functions' names should be different.

How to create a function in Javascript 

We will use the function keyword to create a function in JS. Let's create a function in JS. 

function notificaion()
   alert('Hello , You have received a message'); 


In the code above - 

function - Keyword 

notification() - Function name with parenthesis 

In this way, you can create a function in JS. 

How to call a function in JS and HTML? 

Calling a function is very easy. If you want to use the logic of function then you should call a function. Here, we create an HTML button and use the onclick event in JS. 

Let's call a function on button click in HTML and JS. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
	<title> Calling a function in javascript </title>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		function notificaion()
			alert('Hello , You have received a message'); 

	<button type="button" onclick="notificaion()">Click Notificaton</button>


Output on button click - 

Alert message = Hello , You have received a message

When you click on the button, you see an alert message in your browser. This is the process of calling a function in Javascript. You can use more JS events. 

Function with arguments in Javascript 

Function with arguments refers to a function that contains parameters(arguments) inside the parentheses. Function with arguments may be built-in functions or user-defined functions. In the function with arguments, we pass the arguments(variables) in function and define the value of variables at the end of the function the call.

Let's create a function with arguments- 

Here, we will create a addition function which will give you sum of two numbers . 

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
	<title>Creating a function with arguments in JavaScript </title>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		function sum(a,b)

			var sum=a+b;
			alert('Sum of two numbers '+ sum); 

	<button type="button" onclick="sum(4,8)">Get Result</button>


sum of two numbers in javascript - Calling a function in JS


Function with arguments is used to change the variable value at the execution time in Javascript or another programming. Now, you can understand the process of creating a function in JS, Calling a function in JS, and function with arguments in javascript. 

It's a really nice answer. Now, I can create a function in javascript. Thank you.
rajatmehra4005 12 Mar 2022

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