PHP | Page 7

How to create Sidebar in Blog ? | PHP blog Part 3

In this tutorial, we will create a sidebar in the blog.We will learn how to create a sidebar on a blog website. In the sidebar, we can display recent posts, categories, and tags of the blog.

How to display recent posts in Blog using PHP | Part 4

In this tutorial, we will learn how to display blog recent posts using PHP and MYSQL database. The latest posts are known as recent posts. Display the blog recent pots using MYSQL query with order by id DESC and limit.

Create categories in blog using PHP and MYSQL | Part 5

In this PHP tutorial, we will create categories in the blog using PHP and MYSQL database. We will link blog posts to the categories. Every blog should have a category feature.

How to create blog CMS tags in PHP and MYSQL | Part 6

In this tutorial, we are going to create blog CMS tags using PHP and MYSQL database. The CMS tags are most essential for all blogs. You should understand the importance of the tag in the blog. We will display tags and link the related posts to the tags. 

Create social share buttons in the blog using PHP and MYSQL | Part 7

In this tutorial, we are going to create social share buttons and icons for blog CMS using PHP and MYSQL database. Make social share buttons for Facebook, LinkedIn. Twitter, Pinterest or build for more sites in PHP.

Display recommended blog posts | Next 5 rows data in PHP -Part 8

In this tutorial, we are going to display the recommended post using PHP and MYSQL. Fetching the next 5 or 6 posts is called the recommended blog post. The recommended post is meant for visitors and which can be beneficial posts.

Display previous blog posts using PHP and MYSQL | Part 9

In this tutorial, we will fetch and display the previous blog posts using PHP and MYSQL. In a blog CMS, it would be easy to display the next post as well as the previous post. Buttons can also be made for next and previous posts, which are being used a lot nowadays

Create pages in blog CMS using PHP and MYSQL | Part 10

Pages are also very important for blog CMS. Although the content has been given importance in the blog, the page also has great importance in any blog website. Here we are learning to create a complete blog CMS from the beginning tutorial.

Generate sitemap for blog in PHP and MYSQL | Part 11

Sitemaps are generated to link the URL of a blog website to Google or other search engines. In this tutorial, we will create and generate an XML sitemap for the blog using PHP and MYSQL database.

Pagination and search box in blog using PHP and MYSQL | Part 12

In this tutorial, we will add pagination and search box in blog CMS using PHP and MYSQL database. Let's create a pagination and search system in PHP PDO.