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(7.3K Points)
in PHP


2 Answers
(9.4K Points)

PHP is a Programming language that is used to website development. PHP is known as server scripting language. You can design a website using HTML and CSS but if you want to use some operation your website then you have to need use PHP programming. PHP helps to connect the application to the MYSQL database.

1. PHP is not used for web designing.(Web Designing based on HTML) 
2. PHP is used for web

3. PHP is not written in HTML

file. (myprgram.html)
4. HTML can write in PHP file. (myprogram.php)
5. PHP is no 
displayed on

webpage because it is a logical part of dynamic website (script part).

6. PHP is a logical part of any website.

PHP Programming



(100 Points)

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It's a scripting programming language.


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