PHP programming is based on operators and operands. If you are already learned operators in the C language, you will understand easily. You can use mathematics formula (a+b)2 in the PHP language. First of all, you need to learn about PHP data types.
Think about the variables in mathematics formula (a+b)2 There is two variable in this formula a and b.
How to open the mathematics formula (a+b)2 –
How can write the line mathematics line a2+b2+2ab
if a=2 and b=4
= 4+16+16
You can use this mathematics logic in PHP programming
Asterisk sign (*) is used for multiplication in computer programming languages.
We declare the variables in PHP like this –
Use the above mathematics login –
Let’s create a program for mathematics formula (a+b)2 in PHP language –
echo "(a+b)<sup>2</sup>=a<sup>2</sup>+b<sup>2</sup>+2ab";
echo "=".$result;
You will get the result as output –
You can change variables (a,b) values according to your needs.