If you want to display the data on the HTML page using the search button then you should import your MS access data into the MYSQL database. PHP supports importing the MS access data into the MYSQL database. If you want to search a name and want to display the data related to the name, you should understand the Where clause. like -
Select name, email from table_name where name='Jack';
The value will be inserted into the input box and will be stored in a variable. You can use the variable in another query to display the related data.
Search data and display it on the HTML page.
$databaseHost = '';//or localhost
$databaseName = 'dbname'; // your db_name
$databaseUsername = 'root'; // root by default for localhost
$databasePassword = ''; // by defualt empty for localhost
$mysqli = mysqli_connect($databaseHost, $databaseUsername, $databasePassword, $databaseName);
<form action="" method="post">
Enter Name <input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit" name="submit">
$name = $_POST['name'];
$stmt = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT email,mobile FROM table_name WHERE name = $name");
while($res = mysqli_fetch_array($stmt))
echo $res['emali'];
echo $res['mobile'];
The code above will help you understand the searching concept. It's really easy.
You can use another searching reference -
Display data from MYSQL database table using PHP and AJAX |Search