The delivery note system depends on delivery data. You can use PHP PDO and JAVASCRIPT to create a delivery note with all delivery details like -

Let's discuss the delivery note system points-
1. Delivery Date - We create a column for a delivery date in the database and use PDO and pdf system to generate a delivery note in a pdf file. The date can be automated by the PHP date functions. You can set any format using PHP.
2. Deliver To - The address of the customer who wants any product or service from your side.
3. Deliver From - We need to add seller or you can say merchant address. The address where the item gets delivered to the customer is better for the delivery system.
4. Items description- The delivery note system looks like an invoice system. We can add one or more products using JAVASCRIPT , PHP PDO and bootstrap. The Javascript helps to add more fields at the same time when we create invoices or you can say delivery note. Add description related to the product.

5. Product code in Delivery Note system - The delivery note system contains a product code column where we can use any random key or product id. Fetch product id using PHP PDO and setup in PDF format. We use pdf to create PDF files from PHP.
6. Product Quantity - The delivery note system contains a product quantity system. It's a better idea to increase or decrease price on quantity at the same time.
7. Signature - At the bottom, we can set signature.
Reference for you -(You can use it for delivery note system)
Paypal payment form with email, invoice generator in PHP website | Scripts
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