How to get client ID and Client Secret of InstaMojo | Instamojo Payment Plugin

As you know that InstaMojo is the best payment gateway. If you want to integrate a payment gateway for your website or for SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. or If you want to integrate the payment gateway of Instamojo in the Woocommerce, then you first you have to install instamojo plugin. Now if you want to integrate Instamojo payment gateway in WooCommerce, you first have to install the woocommerce plugin . After that, you have to need client ID and the client secret of insatmojo plugin. You can client ID and client scret after login on instamojo .

Get client ID and client secret of Instamojo

You will be able to login to Instamojo only if you have registered account on instamojo.
Let's talk about how to get a client ID and client secret from Instamojo.

Go to Instamojo

Firstof all, go to and click on Login.

how to find client id and client screte from instamojo

Instamojo payment gateway dashboard

To login, you must have Instamojo password and email id . You are now be able to access dashboard of Intamojo and click on API & Plugins.

how to get client id and client secret from instamojo

Create new credential

Now let's scroll down your screen. You have to click on create new credentials.

how to get client id and client secret from instamojo

Get Instamojo Credential

After clicking on the create new credentials, select the Open cart. Now click on the generate credentials.

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Get client id and client secret

Now you get Client ID and Client Secret.

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Copy both client ID and client secret and paste in Instamojo plugin.

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