WordPress Tutorials

WordPress is an open-source content management system. We can design and develop a kind of website using WordPress CMS. We also know WordPress as a CMS. The full form of CMS is content management system.

In simple words, we can say that if we want to create a website on WordPress, then you do not need to code knowledge.

On WordPress CMS , you have to use plugins and themes to make all kinds of websites. Let's learn about plugin and themes -

What is plugin ?

Plugins are kind of inbuilt application that helps you in various task perform. You need to download and install the WordPress plugin only, then you can manage the plugin according to your needs. It's also open source.

There are different plugins for different tasks perform. For example, if you want to create an e-commerce website then you will need an e-commerce plugin and if you want to build a website for the hotel then you will need a hotel booking plugin.
You can also call the plugin set of instruction that helps you in various task perform.

What is Theme in Wordpress ?

If you have already done HTML language, then it's not difficult to understand the theme. Themes are sort of like a HTML template, but themes and HTML templates are different. The only theme is that the themes are complete dynamic whereas the HTML templates are static.

The theme is inbuilt for various business purposes. The theme has to be installed as a plugin too.

Wordpress is developed on PHP language . If you use WordPress, then you have to save a lot of time.

Even if you do not have knowledge of code, you can easily learn WordPress.

Which type of website can be developed with Wordpress -

WordPress provides tools for developing kind of websites.
For example - 1.Hotel booking plugin and themes for Hotel's website.

2. You can find LMS Plugin to create LMS (Learning Management System) website. (also themes are available)

3. If you want to create an e-commerce website, then you can use 'woocommerce' plugins for e-commerce.( also themes are available )

4. Provide an online plugin for selling PDFs online.( also themes are available )

WordPress Blog -

Wordpress blog is more popular. Millions of bloggers are using wordpress for blogging. You can create your own blog with wordpress.A lot of people are earning money through the WordPress blog. The biggest blogs are also being made by WordPress. You can create any kind of blogs with WordPress CMS .

Wordpress Tutorials

Wordpress tutorials help to create and manage WordPress websites. These WordPress tutorials are for beginners with advanced development skills. Wordpress is a framework helps to create blogs and kind of websites. Wordpress tutorials are designed for development, customization, designing WordPress blog and website. If you want to learn WordPress, then you should understand all the terms. Wordpress tutorials contain the best approaches and examples. These tutorials are tested with live examples. You can learn website development easily by Wordpress tutorials. Daily tutorials are posted here. You should have to focus on these tutorials with the latest information related to WordPress.

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Digicrowd Solution 19 May 2023

Thank you for providing an overview of WordPress and explaining the concepts of plugins and themes. It's helpful to understand that plugins are inbuilt applications that assist in performing various tasks, while themes are dynamic design templates for different business purposes. Your insights are appreciated. 

@Digicrowd Solution replied by Techno Smarter 21 May 2023

Thank you for your kind words.

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