How to integrate Email gateway in Wordpress |SMTP Plugin

It is important to have an email integration on the E-commerce website .Currently, there are a lot of plugins on the internet market that help email integration. Email integration can also be done by the SMTP.SMTP stands for Simple mail transfer protocol. If you want to connect with Gmail, then it is very easy. The Email system is very important for any e-commerce website. Just like if customers buy something from your website then they receive a confirmation mail.
To integrate SMTP into WordPress, you need a WordPress plugin, with the help of which you can easily integrate email gateway into your WordPress website.

Integrate email gateway in woocommerce | SMTP Plugin in wordpress website

You need SMTP plugin to integrate the email gateway into the WordPress website, so that you can easily integrate the email.Before integrating the email gateway, you have to install wocommerce plugin on the WordPress website. To integrate the SMTP gateway in ecommerce website, you have to follow the following steps.

Step 1- Login to wordpress admin panel

First of all, log in to your admin page.

admin login

Step 2- Finding wordpress plugins

Now click on the plugins.

How to install woocommerce plugin--technosmarter

Step 3- Add new wordpress plugins | Email integration process

After clicking on plugins, you have to click on Add New.

how to create products in WooCoomerce-2-technosmarter

Step 4- Searching Mail SMTP plugin

In this step you have to search a plugin by the name WP Mail SMTP name . After searching, Install WP Mail SMTP and active after installed.

how to integrate Email gateway in Wordpress

Step 5-Setting for WP mail SMTP plugin

Now click on the settings of WP Mail SMTP.

SMTP In woocommerce-wordpress

Step 6-Select SMTP

After clicking setting , you have to select other SMTP .

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Step 7-Setup mailer email and name for Email integration

Now you have to provide from Email and from Name that you want to use.

how to integrate Email gateway in Wordpress

Step 8- Provide Email integration details

This step is very important for Email integration process, so please fill correct information.
II. SMTP Port            465
III.Encryption            SSL
IV. Authentication              ON (yes)
IV. SMTP Username Mail ID)
V Password         yourpassword(Gmail Account Password)
To complete all the information, you need to go to your Gmail My account and go to security and enable Allow Less Secure App. Now click on Save Settings.

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Step 9-Email is integrated successfully.

Now you will get successfully message for email integration .Now click on the test email.

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Step 10 -Put an email addresss

In this step you have to put email address that you want . And click on send an email.

how to integrate Email gateway in Wordpress website

Step 11- Get a successfull message

Again you will get a message successfully .

how to integrate Email gateway in Wordpress 3

Step 12- Get a test mail on your gmail account

Now check your Gmail account that you put in the time of testing. Now you can see that you have got a test mail

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In this way, you can integrate the SMTP (email) gateway.

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