These options are removed from Paytm.
Yes, you can get KYC complete at your address which is known as KYC at your doorstep.
You do need to go to the Paytm store. You can do Paytm KYC complete without going to any Paytm store.
An option is available in the Paytm application.
Let's talk about the Paytm KYC step at your home address (At your doorstep)
1. Identification
Identification can be done either by yourself or you can also do at the direct Paytm store.
Step I-Identification, you first have to log in to your Paytm. After logging in to Paytm, you will get a KYC icon that you have to click. If you are not getting a KYC icon, then I will tell you that the KYC icon comes on the right side after linking your Bank A / c, you can see the KYC icon in the image below.
Step II - In this step you do not do anything, just click on the Process Button.
III - These steps are very important. In this step, you put your aadhard card number also, you have to put your name. Your name is also the same name on the Aadhar card. By entering the aadharcard and name, you have to give the Terms and Conditions a check. After that, you have to click on the Process button.
IV-After clicking on the process, you will have a message that will be from the aadharcard. This message always comes in the same number linked to your Aadharcard, in that message you will get an OTP code that you have to fill. After that, click on the button for the next process, after which your base card will open in front of you and you will have to confirm again by clicking on the next process.
V - In this way, you can see that your identity will be done and you can easily see. Now you have to verify the second process.
2. Verification-
Verification You can not do it yourself You will have to go to the nearest shop of Paytm to make verification. Quick Verification is done by putting a thumb on your shop. You can not verify without visiting the Paytm Shop
Paytm KYC at your doorstep -
I- Now let's talk about how to get the verification done at your home without going to Paytm shop, you will get the option of AT your doorstep at the bottom of your KYC Point, which will be named AT your Doorstep.
II- AT your doorstep, a form will open up to you which will fill you in your Name, House No, Pin Code, City, State, Mobile No, now you have to click on Add Address and get KYC complete without going Paytm shop. A Paytm service person will come to your address and you will get KYC complete soon.
This is the process to get Paytm KYC complete at your doorstep. This process will help you complete the PAYT KYC without going to any Paytm store.